In my role as Elon Student Television Station Manager, I was responsible for overseeing the daily operations of four shows on the network in coordination with my advisor, and the Executive team comprised of Management (4 people) and Production team (8 people). Within each show, each crew had an average population of 10-20 members each that were run by a team of Show Producers.
Perform administrative tasks in the context of interviewing candidates for executive positions and scheduling management team meetings. I am also required to create mid-year budgets (between $10k-$20k) and an end-of-year report to the Elon School of Communications Media Board.
I got to utilize my love for producing by creating collaborative programming with other media organizations within the School of Communications and creating a safe learning environment for my peer students.
Using my previous experiences within Elon Student Television, I was able to help reconstruct the organization by implementing a brand new production handbook for incoming producers to follow through the duration of the season. I also worked with the management team, who help run the organization and keep producers on their A-game.
As it was a goal of mine as Station Manager, myself along with the rest of the management team had to showcased resiliency in the form of numerous recruitment efforts. I presented about the network at organization various and classroom visits to classes centered in both communications classes and all business and liberal arts to recruit students from across campus.

Station Management Headshot taken by Hector Sanchez-Lopez